Brian P. Casey

Speaker, Jury Selection, in Ultimate Trial Notebook Seminar, Austin Bar Ass’n (2008).

Speaker, Pretrial Motions, in Ultimate Trial Notebook Seminar, Austin Bar Ass’n (2007).

Author, What Precautions Should An Employer Take When Hiring An Employee Away From A Competitor?, Houston Business Journal (April 29, 2005).

Co-Author and Speaker, Agency, Vicarious Liability, and the Search for the “Deep Pocket,” in Univ. Of Houston Law Found., Advanced Personal Injury and Ins. Law Seminar (2001; 2002).

Co-Author, An Introduction to Texas Class Action Practice, in ABA Annual Meeting, How To Prosecute and Defend a National Class Action Program 389 (1999).

Co-Author, Recent Developments in Complex Case Management, in Tex. Ass’n Defense Counsel Fall Program (1998).

Co-Author, Joint Venturing Complex Cases: Practical and Ethical Considerations, in Tex. Trial Law. Ass’n Annual Conf., Approaching The Millennium: Forces Of Change in the Plaintiff’s Practice 573 (1997).

Co-Author, Taking Cover: Preserving Error When Hit with a Claim for Punitive Damages, 47 Baylor Law Review 923 (1995).